Zebra Butterfly

About CASE*track 3

CASE*track 3

CASE*track was originally developed to meet the requirements for the Legal Aid Board franchising pilot. This later developed into the Legal Services Commission Unified Contract, followed by the Standard Civil Contract 2010.  In 2013 this was replaced by the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) Standard Civil Contract 2013.

Over time, CASE*track has evolved into a cost effective, flexible and user friendly case management system which may be adapted to individual requirements.

CASE*track 3 is fully compliant with the LAA Standard Civil Contract 2013 and the Civil Legal Aid (CLA) contract which provides legal advice direct by telephone.  However, there is the option to disable the Legal Aid features for organisations who do not operate under a Legal Aid contract.

We can provide web hosting for your CASE*track3 database so that it can be accessed via the Internet.  This is particularly useful for people working from home or Outreach workers. 

Some of the features in CASE*track 3:

  • Where an organisation's income is obtained from a number of sources, each case can be allocated to the appropriate funding source and separate reports generated for each funding body.
  • The case record is easy to access directly from the case details window and any statistics may be recorded at the same time without going into different areas of the software.
  • All the statistical recording sections may be customised to suit the individual organisation, i.e. the default headings and options presented in any of the drop down lists may be changed as required.  The organisation can choose which aspects of the data recording facilities it wishes to utilise.
  • Time recording is available and, where appropriate, time may be allocated to more than one funding body in the same case.
  • The shared key dates record and diary provide easy access for monitoring and / or making appointments for others.
  • Reports are comprehensive and easily obtained without any expertise in database design. 
  • When working in CASE*track 3, it is possible to open multiple windows - i.e. it is not necessary to close one client file when access is required to another; two reports may be compared side by side, whilst the Keydates List and /or Search windows may be kept open on the desktop.
  • If you operate a triage system, the known details may be entered into CASE*track 3 and the case left in the 'pending tray' until it is allocated to an adviser.
  • Cases may be classed at different levels, e.g. Pending, Basic Information, Casework, Specialist and Certificated work etc.
  • File reviews may be recorded, the results of which can form the basis of a 'training needs' analysis for each adviser.
  • Required information can be made mandatory fields in non LAA systems.
  • With the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) features enabled, CASE*track is compliant with both the Legal Aid Agency Standard Civil Contract and the Community Legal Advice (CLA) Contract.  In addition to meeting the mandatory reporting requirements, there are facilities to assist with overall contract management and monitoring Key Performance Indicators (KPI's).
  • Where more than one LAA Standard Contract is held by an organisation, work for multiple schedules may be recorded in one database.
  • CASE*track 3 has the facility to manage multiple databases.


System Requirements

Whilst we focus our development on Windows 10, we are aware that many of our clients are still running older versions of Windows, on older generations of hardware. In fact, CASE*track 3 may still be run on a stand alone XP machine with a bare minimum of 2GB of memory (RAM). 

CASE*track 3 utilises MS SQL Server 2008 Express R2 as the database engine. Therefore you must have a machine to use as a database server, running as a very minimum, Windows XP SP3

A low-end installation for a small number of users could be a peer-to-peer network of Windows 7 machines, with one  machine running as a database server.  A typical installation for a larger number of users would be would be something like a server running Windows Server 2012 and workstations running Windows 10 Pro.

The minimum monitor resolution in all cases is 1024 x 768.

Note: For the very smallest installation, it is still possible to install everything on one low-end, stand-alone machine, e.g. you can fit the database server and the program itself on a Windows XP laptop with a minimum of 2GB of memory (RAM).